The Blog
Good health begins as a thought
Achieving long-term health and energy is a balancing act. Quite simply, what you put into your mind may have as much of an impact as the food and supplements you feed your body.
Why it may be time to get your thyroid checked…properly!
When a client has thyroid related symptoms but tells me they’ve been tested and told they are ‘normal’, alarm bells go off for me! Insufficient testing, can mean that many people can go undiagnosed or are misdiagnosed when it comes to thyroid conditions.
5 common mistakes with smoothies & how to make a good one!
Done well, smoothies are highly nutritious and can provide you with a well-balanced meal in their own right. But there are some common mistakes I see people making with smoothies which can undo the benefits.
Gut feelings: Could the health of your gut be influencing your mood?
We’ve all experienced ‘gut feelings’ and often talk about our gut when describing our emotions. There’s now a whole body of research showing that our gut and brain do in fact talk to each other via the ‘gut-brain axis’ and this could be influencing our mental health.
Vitamin D – are you getting enough of the sunshine vitamin?
As we head into winter here in New Zealand, it felt like an important time to talk about vitamin D. As our main natural source of vitamin D is from sunlight on our skin, the winter months when UV rays aren’t as strong, are when we are at the greatest risk of deficiency.
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